Long time no write. It's my fault. Well, obviously. It's a bit funny, because I do have stuff to write, I'm just not been able to. Don't worry, I'll not be abandoning you soon, you just have to be patient and before you know it, everything'll be back to normal. Or rather, as normal as they can be!
I'm posting pictures about cars, today! Random, I know! But hey, just doing what it says on the tin! ;) Anyways, in church today, and it being Father's Day, there was something for the 'blokes', a Classic Cars Show! Quite a few cars were on display in the parking lot. I might be an F1 girl, but there's only so much I know about cars, and my car-knowledge is solely restricted to F1, anyways. But some of the cars were/are gorgeous, and I thought I'd take pictures and post it up here, especially since I've been promising pictures of my holiday and haven't got round to sorting them out and posting them. I didn't have my camera with me, but the one on my phone seems to have done a good job!
But anyways, here are the pictures. I haven't got a clue about any of the cars, so there'll be no description from me. The only thing I can say is they're fabulous. Enjoy! (There was a car on display on the cruise, that I can only guess was a 'classic car, so I'm adding it here! It's the first car). Please ignore my photography skills; and the people, it goes without saying! Haha.
Classic Cars show:
There were more cars, but I couldn't take more pictures, as my cousin was in a hurry to get home, and not all of them looked nice to me, anyways.
So yeah, that's about it for now. Hopefully I'll be back sooner, rather than later! :)