Monday, July 18, 2011

You really don't know!?

So this weekend, I went to my Aunt's in St Albans. She actually wasn't around, as she went to Nigeria on Friday. But my cousin was home from Uni, and my other two cousins were home, as well as the grandparents, so it was pretty much a full house.

We planned on going to see Harry Potter on Saturday afternoon, but the weather was such a turn-off, so we didn't go in the end. One of the main reasons why I went to my Aunt's, apart from to see everyone, ofcourse, was to get my hair relaxed. My female cousin, Derin, was supposed to get it done for me on Saturday, but she was out the night before, I didn't get back early, so agreed to do it Sunday morning. Church wasn't on the agenda, unfortunately, as my Aunt wasn't around, so no one to drive us. One of my cousins does drive, but he says he doesn't like the church we go, so that wasn't happening.

Anyways, long story short, I planned on leaving home by 1pm, meet Joel either at Kings Cross/Waterloo, before heading on the train to Southampton in order to get home early, but that didn't happen, as we decided impromptu to go see Harry Potter. As I had to relax my hair in the morning, the earliest time we could see the movie was 14.40! But the movie was good, though, so not complaining about that! And just in case you plan on watching it, I'm not going to mention anything about what happened.

So Harry Potter over, went straight to the station so I could get home, after meeting up with Joel for a little while. Got on the train at 17.44, and the plan was to meet him at Kings Cross, which was where I was getting off the train. Spoke to him before getting on the train, and he said he'd be a bit late, as he was at his sister's.

Got to Kings Cross, and there was a text from Joel, telling me he was close to Kings Cross, and also asking what time I wanted to get on the train from Waterloo to St Albans. So I text him back, telling him that I'd probably miss the 18.35, so will probably get the 18.55 one. So there was I, waiting at Kings Cross for my boyfriend to show up. Was getting impatient, because it'd been 25 minutes, and waiting too much longer would mean that I miss the train from Waterloo.

My phone rings, yay, and he's like 'where are you?' I'm slightly upset, so I'm like 'somewhere, where are YOU?' so I could go find him. But he's like he's at Waterloo! That made me really upset, as I felt I'd just been wasting my time in Kings Cross for no reason, which technically, was true! I quickly got off the phone, said I'd meet him there and rushed to get to Waterloo, in the hope that I'd have calmed down a bit by then.

I got to Waterloo just in time to catch the train actually, but seeing as I'd been looking forward to seeing him, and despite my 'upsetness', I said I'd get the next train. Who knows, maybe it was partially because I wanted him to know exactly how I felt about being left at Kings Cross. So yeah, we had an argument, but not a massive one, fortunately! Joel's very level-headed and calm, and I generally am, so there wasn't any shouting or anything, just him explaining his bit, and me trying to make him see why I was upset.

Turns out it was just a case of miscommunication. He'd tried sending me a text telling me to meet him at Waterloo instead, so that I wouldn't miss the train waiting for him, but it the signal cut out, so I didn't get the text until after I'd actually spoken to him. I ended up crying, but not actually because I was still angry with him, or anything, and that's why I'm writing this unfortunately long post.

So he said the reason why he decided to go wait at Waterloo, was because he thought I was actually going to get on the 18.55 train, whether or not he turned up at Kings Cross, so he thought he'd stand a better chance of getting to see me at Waterloo, since that was where I'd be getting the train to Southampton.

And it was what I realised there and then that made me cry. I realised that he didn't realise (haha), how much he means to me, that why he thought I'd get on the train just like that, without even seeing him! Like hell I was going to do that! It's not like getting on that train was life or death! And even if it was, I would have found a way of seeing him, even if it was for half a second! I know I'm not great on the emotional expression font, but surely you ought to know, after us being together 9 months already, how very important you are to me? And just in case you still don't know, I'm telling you now, Joel Matthew Fletcher, that you mean the whole world, and more, to me, Adebowale Morayo Awofeso, okay!? Maybe I ought to tell you/show you more, but if there's only one thing you know in this world, it's that you're the most important person in my life, and you'll always be my baby, as long as it's God plan. Never forget that!

I eventually got on the train, and despite the little tiff, I was glad I got to see him, even if it was just for a measly 40 minutes, more than half of which was spent being upset and in tears. I'll make it up to you next time, I promise! But yeah, I spent the whole train journey half-sleeping, half-wiping tears off my face, but in a way, I guess it was a tiff worth happening, since it made me realise that I've probably not been doing enough to let my boyfriend know how much he means to me which is criminal, and I'm going to try to do better at showing it. It's not my forte, but the best I can do is try, so from now on, I'll be doing my best to ensure that you have absolutely no doubt about how I feel.

*Phew, my laptop crashed a few moments ago, luckily my looooong post was saved by Blogger!*

It might have been a far-fetched conclusion to draw, but I'm glad I drew it! I did apologise about being upset and everything when I got home, although we'd gotten over the miscommunication before I left.

Anyways, I'll stop boring you! I should go to bed soon anyways, don't want to wake up at 10am again this week! Do have a great week, and hopefully I'll get the chance to blog during the week. Be safe! :)


  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *sigh* big tight hug!

    I know it can be annoying waiting and its okay to be mad, as long as you are not mad for to long and communication too is essential. He is so sweet thought thinking that and at the same time, I see your point. Its a good thing you picked up on that despite the fact you were upset!

    glad things are sorted. good luck trying xx

  2. Haha thanks. I have a lot to learn, sha.

    We're actually quite good at the communication thing, I think, and although it was something minor, it was kinda important to kiss and make up, and end it there.

    I'm sure we'll 'fight' over bigger things in the future, but so long as we're able to communicate, I'm sure we'll be fine.

    He is very sweet, though. A bit too much for his own good sometimes, haha. ;-)
