Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I was getting told off (ish) by my Aunt today, and she was making a few references to marriage. But for some reason, any time anyone mentions marriage to me, I ALWAYS roll my eyes. It's kind of become a sub-conscious thing (kind of like anytime I accidentally drop something, my lips ALWAYS turn into a frown for a split second!). I have to proper steel myself against it, sometimes. Weird, right?
Anyways, I just don't see myself as the marrying kind, and I really can't be bothered to mention that to the adults in my life, because really, I'm not ready to listen to any lectures. They might as well keep thinking it'll happen one day. But then again, you never know what'll happen in the future (I just sounded like a footballer there! Haha).
But for now though, I guess the eyes'll keep rolling! :)


  1. One of topics... Marriage! It's funny bcuz I spoke to my mom tonight on the phone, and she mentioned something about a daughter-in-law. I decided to be cheeky as ask her if she was getting one because my brother had plans... i.e. nothing to do with me! I do think that is a front I put on tho. I have a friend who used to describe me as a "sucker for love"...pffft! NOT true! Ok...maybe a little... Anyway, marriage is something I know I want to experience to be honest. But I'm no's definitely something not to take dad keeps on telling that to me 2! *Raises eyebrow* lol In today's world, it is sad that marriage isn't taken as sacredly & seriously by married couples as it shud be...but there ya go.

    I'm at that stage where...the next few years of my life are VERY important for me. Personally, soon being 22 years of age & in uni, I know that the next 2/3 years of my life will have a big say in what direction my life takes. What job wil I get? What country will I be in? I always have this voice in my head that tells me I don't want to get in a relationship rite now bcuz of how essential this stage of my life is. Also, I do know that I'm still relatively young and I am convinced that I do have loads to learn, yet! But I'm willing to give it a try if I think it's worth going for.

    Since we don't know what life brings to us next, we have to sound like a footballer sometimes! But love & marriage is more complex than transfer speculation & signing for a new club! lol And Debs...i really do find the frown bcuz something drops a bit funny! haha :D

  2. Ah, so who's the long poster now? :p
    Yeah, it's definitely a massive thing. It's just the whole idea of 'forever' that puts me off it. Maybe if marriage certificates were only valid for a period of say, 5 or 10 years, then you had the option of renewing it after that time! Lol. The forever thing just feels like you're being trapped or restricted, and we all know how many divorces can be. Anyways, it's probably not the case, but that's just how I feel about it, at least for now.
    I guess as far as I'm concerned, it's one of those things that'll either happen or not- I'm certainly not going out looking for it! Guess it's different for you blokes! Haha! :) Give it a couple of years, and I'm sure your mum'll be on your case by then, but at least having an older brother'll give you a bit of breathing space for the time-being!
    But yeah, for now, I think the most important thing really is figuring out what exactly to do with one's life. So many options- just have to hope and pray that whichever one you choose is the right one!

    Haha! The frown-thing is just weird! At least it's not a full-blown one, just a little quiver! Hopefully it's only me who notices it! :D

  3. *One of those topics

    And u telling u about ur post did cross my mind...and it has come back to haunt me! lol I guess "forever" does sum up how big a call marriage is, huh? And my comment's cheekiness is emphasised by the fact that my brother is actually younger than me...haha :p

    A lot of the time, when someone is really really in love, that "forever" factor doesn't seem to daunt them. That doesn't mean you aren't wary of stuff like divorce...but that's a very powerful emotion. Guess we have to accept the fact that there is an element of chance involved in marriage. Marriage has to be approached with a certain mentality too...bcuz even during tough times, giving up seems easy but life is full of challenges. Neither person should have that, "If something goes wrong, leaving is the easiest fix" mentality. Marriage will include some intense challenges too!

    I see it like this... If that person makes you feel extra special, extra happy, very loved, takes you up to cloud 9 (and all that jazz)...and you are convinced he/she is the one, you shouldn't think that you'll feel trapped or restricted! Generally, a lot of it is a matter of both parties making a good choice & both relying on God bcuz it is a loving arrangement He created.

  4. Fair enough. Shame it can all change in an instant! Much easier to fall out of, than in, love. Anyways, guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Too early to start drawing conclusions! :D

  5. OH HELL YEAH LADY! I am with you on that. If anyone dares to propose to me they'll be sorry, hahaaa... x
