Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Strange one...

I do LOVE writing, like I say almost every time :) but I'm a bit too shy to tell people about it. Ofcourse, my blog's online & is on my twitter page, so all that sounds a bit ridiculous! And I have mentioned it to a few people on twitter, but I can count the number of people on one hand, and I do remember when and how! But then again, I haven't mentioned it any of my close friends, family, or even the people I live with! Apart from this blog, I also write for an Arsenal one, but I always try to avoid writing on either of them, when people are around me. I wonder why!

Maybe it's because I don't do criticism well, and the less people who know about it, the less likely I am to get an earful about what I'm doing wrong! I know you can get one of those twitter-feed things, whereby when you post a new blog it gets tweeted, but I don't want to. Ofcourse it's nice when people read your blog, but I'd kind of feel bad, as if I was forcing people to read it, if that makes sense.
But it's a weird one for me though, as I do like it when people tweet their blog posts, as it reminds me to read them, which I'm always very glad to do! I'm a words-junkie, remember?
Words-junkie! I'm sure I just made that up! :)

Or maybe it's because I only write as a hobby, and I'm worried I'll be told to get a life if I mentioned that I spend so much time blogging?

Or maybe the reason why I'm too shy to publicise it much, is because I just love the excitement of doing something in secret, if an online blog counts as a secret?!

Ooh, or maybe becuase I get the chance to slag off these people, since they haven't got a clue about the blog! Who knows, maybe I'll end up doing so one, of these days! ;) Nah, I probably won't... Damn! :)

Either way, I'm having so much fun blogging- does it really matter if next to no-one reads it?
(Hi, if you are reading by the way!) :)


  1. This is an interesting one! I think loads of ppl do stuff that they'd prefer keep private. I remember when my brother used to watch those Japanese comics online... Think it's called magna... But yeah, he'd act weird if any1 passed near the computer! lol Maybe it could be because he didn't wanna be told he should be doing something more worthwhile! Or maybe embarrassed that sum1 else wud think it was childish? Never totally figured that 1 out...

    I was like that with commenting on Arsenal blogs (WoA) when I was back home. It wasn't so much the blog, it was my comments. If sum1 were to pass by the computer, I'd scroll up so my comment would come off the screen... Or just change the window! It's not like ppl at home or those around me don't know I'm a big Arsenal supporter. They sure do know! Personally, I think it boils down to wondering what ppl think of me being into Arsenal that much. Maybe thinkin they’d judge me in a negative way... One thing I found hard to come to terms with was the occasion a parent would see my facebook status...awkward! Facebook should be parent-free! lol

  2. You're spot on! I always change the window too, when I'm commenting on WoA or blogging. It's not like I'm doing something terrible; I'm just too worried about what people'd say/think! Everyone knows I'm addicted to sports- they just don't know how BAD it is! :D
    And yeah, I'm always screening what I say on facebook, as it always filters to my parents, on way or the other! That's why I'm more on twitter now, as those 'spies' have yet to infiltrate! Haha!
